

Professor Emeritus, Dr. John Anderson

Professor Emeritus, Dr. John Anderson


Dr. John Anderson, his family, and the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park solicits papers for the Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering.

This competition is being held as a means to encourage students in aerospace related fields to discuss research, exchange knowledge, and generate interest in the field of aerospace engineering. This Call for Papers solicits papers from all current, undergraduate, declared aerospace engineering students who meet the requirements as laid out in this call. This is the first year for this award, which provides a $1,000 scholarship award and a recognition plaque to the top student as determined by the Anderson Scholarship Committee.

This competition will have two stages: a scholarly paper submission; a poster and oral presentation.

Stage One:

*All current, undergraduate, declared aerospace students with at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (among all institutions attended) are permitted to submit an individual research/scholarly paper on an aerospace engineering-related research project.

*Papers must be submitted to ( by March 19th via email in Word format.

*Students shall provide an individual scholarly writing describing research performed while a student at the University of Maryland.

*The student can provide from among the following but is not limited to: research project paper, conference or archival journal manuscripts for which the student is the primary author and for which the research forms the basis of the student's research.

*The writing sample will be judged by the Anderson Scholarship Committee based on the following categories: (a) Technical Content, (b) Importance to the Field, (c) Style and Clarity, and (d) Completeness.

Stage Two:

The top one-third (or no more than 15) of all papers submitted will be asked to give an individual poster/oral presentation approximately five minutes in length to the committee on April 18, 2008. This designated presentation day will be titled the Anderson Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering Research Day. Notification to nominees will be made in mid- to late March by the committee.

*Nominated students shall present an individual poster: Glossy print, 32" x 40" in dimension, mounted on to a foamcore backing.

*The student will provide a five minute presentation to the committee describing the scholarly research performed while a student at the University of Maryland.

*Students should be prepared to field questions from the committee for approximately five minutes following the presentation.

*The poster & oral presentation will be judged based on the following categories: (a) Technical Content, (b) Importance to the Field, (c) Style and Clarity, and (d) Completeness.

*The production cost of these posters will be covered by the department of aerospace engineering.

Following the poster and oral presentations and a vote by the committee, the top student will be awarded the $1,000.00 prize at the Anderson scholarship research day. If this student is returning the following academic year (for either undergraduate or graduate studies), this prize will be applied towards his/her student account ($500.00 each semester); if this student is graduating in May of that same year, the student will be given a check in the amount of $1,000.00.

A plaque with this honor will also be given to the student. A department plaque will be established and subsequently displayed in the aerospace engineering office containing running list of the winners over the years.

Questions and for further information on this competition, students and faculty should be referred to:

Dr. Alison Flatau

Professor / Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies

Room 3148 Martin Hall; (301) 405-1131

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